The language of Phenesthe allows the definition of temporal phenomena. A temporal phenomenon may be an event, a state or a dynamic temporal phenomenon. Events are true in instants of time, states hold in disjoint intervals and dynamic temporal phenomena may hold in possibly non disjoint intervals. Moreover, the language of phenesthe allows the declaration of the phenomena of the input stream.
The grammar of the language is present below in EBNF:
definitions = eventDefinition | stateDefinition | dynamicDefinition;
eventDefinition = "event_phenomenon" event ":=" instantExpression ".";
stateDefinition = "state_phenomenon" state ":=" intervalOperation ".";
dynamicDefinition = "dynamic_phenomenon" dynamic ":=" intervalRelation ".";
event = eventName(...);
state = stateName(...);
dynamic = dynamicPhenomenonName(...);
temporalExpression = instantExpression | intervalExpression ;
instantExpression = "("instantExpresstion")"| ("tnot"|"gtnot") instantExpression
| instantExpression ("and"|"or") instantExpression
| instantExpression "in" intervalOperation
| instantExpression ("@<"|"@>="|"@=") (PosInteger|collector)
| instantExpression "aand" atemporalPrologExpression
| startEndOp | event;
intervalExpression = intervalOperation | intervalRelation;
intervalOperation = intervalOperation ("union"|"intersection"|"complement") intervalOperation
| instantExpression "~>" instantExpression
| intervalOperation "aand" atemporalPrologExpression
| "filter("intervalOperation"," filter_option ")"
| "("intervalOperation")"| state;
intervalRelation = temporalExpression "before" temporalExpression
| intervalExpression "overlaps" intervalExpression
| intervalExpression "meets" intervalExpression
| temporalExpression "finishes" intervalExpression
| temporalExpression "starts" intervalExpression
| intervalExpression "contains" temporalExpression
| intervalExpression "equals" intervalExpression
| intervalRelation "aand" atemporalPrologExpression
|"("intervalRelation")" | dynamic;
collector = "collector(" PosInteger "," VarList "," predicateName ")";
filter_option = ("less" | "greater" | equal")"("PosInteger")";
startEndOp = ("start"|"end")"("intervalOperation")";
In short, the formulae of the language of Phenesthe, are divided into three categories instant formulae, disjoint interval formulae, and non-disjoint interval formulae. Each of the aforementioned formulae categories is used for defining events, states and dynamic temporal phenomena. Below the semantics of each formulae category are presented with examples.
Instant formulae
Instant formulae describe happenings that are true in instants of time.
Name | Formula | Description |
Conjunction | fa and fb | True at instants where both fa and fb occur. |
Disjunction | fa or fb | True at instants where either fa or fb occurs. |
Negation | tnot fa | True at instants where fa does not occur. |
Negation (grounded) | gtnot fa | True when fa is grounded and not true at the evaluation instant. |
Start | start(fa) | True at the instant fa starts holding. |
End | end(fa) | True at the instant fa stops holding. |
Inclusion | fa in fb | True if fa occurs while fb holds. |
Instant formulae examples
- A formula that is true when a person either drops or pickups an object.
drop(Person, ObjectA) or pickup(Person, ObjectB).
- A formula that describes that in order for a person (P) to shoot with gun (G), the gun must be loaded.
shoot(G,P) in loaded(G).
Disjoint interval formulae
Disjoint interval formulae describe durative states that hold in disjoint intervals.
Name | Formula | Description |
Maximal range operator | fa ~> fb | Holds when fa occurs, and continues to hold unless fb occurs. |
Temporal union | fa union fb | Holds when either fa or fb holds. |
Temporal intersection | fa intersection fb | Holds when both fa and fb hold. |
Temporal complement | fa complement fb | Holds when fa holds but fb does not hold. |
Constrained temp. iteration | fa [<,=,>=]@ N | Holds when fa occurs at times with contiguous temporal distance (ti-ti-1) [<,=,>=] N. |
Constrained iteration | fa [<,=,>=]@ collector(N, Vars, predicateName) | Holds when fa occurs at times with contiguous temporal distance (ti-ti-1) [<,=,>=] N and predicateName(Varsi,Varsi-1) is true. |
Filtering | filter(fb,f(...)) | Filter intervals at which fb holds by applying function f on their individual size. |
Disjoint interval formulae examples
- A formula the describes the time intervals where a person has a gain but not loss in the meantime.
gain(Person) ~> loss(Person)
The above formula utilises the maximal range operator, therefore a period at which it holds starts at the earliest occurence of
and continues to hold untilloss(Person)
occurs. - A formula that holds when a vessel is both at a port and stopped.
stopped(V) intersection in_port(V,P)
Here, the above formula utilises temporal intersection between the time periods at which a vessel is stopped and inside a port.
- A formula that holds when vegetables are stirred at most every 30 seconds.
stir(vegetables) <@ 30
The above formula uses temporally constrained iteration on and holds for the time periods
occurs consecutively with temporal distance between each consecutive occurence to be at most 30 seconds. - A vessel has no major speed changes.
ais(V,S,_,_) <@ collector(600,[S],speed_diff_check)
The above formula utilises the constrained iteration with a collector. The first argument specifies the maximum temporal distance between each consecutive occurence, the second arguments is used for collecting atemporal arguments of the left side formula, while the last argument refers to the name of a predicate with arity 2, that compares the atemporal arguments of two consecutive occurrences. In this case
refers to the following predicate:speed_diff_check([PrevSpeed],[CurSpeed]):- D is abs(CurSpeed-PrevSpeed), D < 3.
Non-disjoint interval formulae
Non-disjoint interval formulae describe the temporal arrangement of temporal phenomena.
Name | Formula | Description |
Before | fa before fb | fa occurs (holds), before fb occurs (holds) and they are contiguous. |
Overlaps | fa overlaps fb | fa starts holding, then fb starts holding, next fa stops holding, finally fb stops holding. |
Meets | fa meets fb | Holds when fb starts holding at the same time as fa stops holding. |
Finishes | fa finishes fb | Holds when fb holds, and fa occurs when fb stops holding or fa starts holding after fb starts and finishes at the same time as fb . |
Starts | fa starts fb | Holds when fb holds, and fa occurs when fb starts holding or fb starts holding when fa starts but stops holding earlier than fb . |
Contains | fa contains fb | Holds when fa holds and fb occurs (holds) during fa . |
Equals | fa equals fb | Holds when both fa and fb hold at the same time. |
Non-disjoint interval formulae examples
- A formula that describes a vessel trip (end of being moored, followed by being underway, the finally being moored again).
end(moored(V,PA)) before (underway(V) before start(moored(V,PB))).
- The cooking process of fried then oven baked steaks.
filter((filter((cooking(P,stove,steaks)),greater(120))),less(180)) before filter((filter((cooking(P,oven,steaks)),greater(480))),less(600))